Tune Protect Pre-Loved Charity Bazaar 2019

A CSR & Green initiative in collaboration with the Wisma Tune Go Green Committee

Pre-Loved Charity Bazaar 2019

Tune Protect led the way with the Wisma Tune GoGreen Pre-Loved Charity Bazaar. Tune Protect and affiliated companies Tune Group, Tune Talk, BigPay and AirAsia BigLoyalty joined forces in this effort to raise funds for the replacement of aging air-conditioners with energy-saving inverter ones favouring Bake with Dignity, a bakery that employs bakers with learning disabilities such as Autism, Down Syndrome and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This was both, a CSR and GoGreen initiative combined because it benefited a charitable organization by helping to lower it electricity bills (CSR) and lower its electricity usage/carbon output (green mission).

As the organizer of the event, Tune Protect pledged 100% of the proceeds from sales to Tune Protect’s “Sponsor Bake with Dignity” initiative. The other affiliates pledged 50% of their proceed to this cause too and retained the remaining 50% for their respective internal green initiatives.

Pre-Loved Charity Bazaar 2019

The GoGreen teams began setting up their stalls as early as 9am. There was a lot of good stuff on display that were donated by the staff of the respective companies. Most were preloved items and some were brand new.

Pre-Loved Charity Bazaar 2019

Pre-Loved Charity Bazaar 2019Tune Protect’s stall was loaded with toys, games, action figurines, puzzles, decorative items, clothing, fashion accessories, handbags, purses, baby gates, sports equipment and lots more. We also sold nyonya kueh, homemade cold corn pudding made by our staff, IKEA fried chicken wings and Lipton iced-lemon tea.

Pre-Loved Charity Bazaar 2019
Pre-Loved Charity Bazaar 2019

Tune Group had rows of art & craft pottery, plates, bowls, cups, flower pots and vases for enthusiasts

Pre-Loved Charity Bazaar 2019
Tune Talk’s stall was stacked with boxes of brand new Gundam toys from Japan
Pre-Loved Charity Bazaar 2019
BigPay’s stall neatly displayed clothing, fashion accessories and decorative items
Pre-Loved Charity Bazaar 2019
AirAsia BigLoyalty had a wide range of rompers, shawls, dresses, blouses and shirts for everyone

Pre-Loved Charity Bazaar 2019
The Wisma Tune lobby was dominated by (from left to right) AirAsia BigLoyalty, BigPay, Tune Talk, Tune Group & Tune Protect stalls. The stalls were ready by 11am, in time for the crowd that streamed in steadily after that.

The bazaar was a great success because it raised RM4,454 in just 4 hours…that’s about RM1,113.50 per hour! After our affiliates deducted 50% of the proceeds for their own respective internal green causes, the final total amount raised and forwarded towards “Sponsor Bake with Dignity” was a nice RM3,002!

Pre-Loved Charity Bazaar 2019
Tune Protect treated our affiliates with yummy cake as a small token of appreciation for joining our cause

In addition to making a green difference in Bake with Dignity, the bazaar also brought lots of cheer and laughter to our staff, and especially their children and family members.

Pre-Loved Charity Bazaar 2019
Tune Protect staff Balamurugan Vaiyamuthu in glee with this gigantic wooden dollhouse he grabbed from the bazaar for his daughter

Tune Protect thanks all our staff who generously donated their personal items to help us raise funds. We thank all who sponsored the food and drinks too. We thank our affiliates for the great teamwork and finally, we thank all our staff for their purchases that made this event an admirable success. Thank you for “Protecting Tomorrow, Today”!